pp108 : Overview of Task

Overview of Task

This topic presents an overview about task.

Process Platform has many pre-defined roles such as System Administrator, Organizational Administrator, Developer. These roles are associated with a prescribed set of rights or activities, which a role is authorized to perform. An application contains many activities to perform, but a role need not be allowed to perform all the activities or access all the features. This calls for simpler roles with lesser number of activities or fine-grained tasks or applications. Based on the authorization or access level, the application will enable or disable activities for that user. For example, a developer must be allowed only to view the Application details and not to install an Application.

Process Platform provides a mechanism to define a set of activities for a given user depending on the role(s) associated with that user. This facilitates the user to work only on those pre-defined activities or features and disable other rights.
Using Task, you can be aware of the following aspects in an application:

  • who is accessing the application
  • what is the user's role(s)
  • which task(s) the user can perform
    Typically, multiple users with multiple roles and authorization levels use Process Platform with different goals. Process Platform allows you to define custom roles depending on the user requirement and assign task(s) or activities to that role in the deployed environment. Using task, you can manage and maintain the tasks depending on the roles or user.
    Task- A Task refers to an activity that can be performed independently. Refer to Task definition for information on the associated properties.

    Configured Task- This refers to a group of task parts, which can be enabled or disabled for user access. You can configure task parts while assigning tasks to users or roles. Refer to Configured Task definition for information on the associated properties.

    Refer to example for a better understanding.

    Note: Tasks and Configured Tasks are stored in a Task Repository that is a part of Process Platform Repository.
    Task framework provides Web services and Java API to retrieve task Information.

    A task is automatically generated when you create a user interface.

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